The LibreOffice Conference 2024 will take place from the 10 to the 12 October 2024 in Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg and will be preceded by an open day for the LibreOffice community member meetings on 9 October 2024.

Video streams

Community events

We are having two community events, you are welcome to join.

Community workshop: 9th - 14:00 room D.00.01-03

Community dinner: 10th - 20:00

A meeting point for FOSS communities

This year the Conference is not only a meeting point for the global LibreOffice community to but also an opportunity to welcome organizations and institutions creating, working with and promoting Free and Open Source Software.

In addition to the talks, presentations and workshops related to LibreOffice we welcome proposals from other projects, communities and organisations in the suggested additional tracks:

Open Source

LibreOffice is just one of many software that are part of the Free and Open Source world.

We invite the many local and global community to participate to the conference to show who is creating the digital tools that everyone uses often without even realising they are using FOSS projects.

Topics we will to cover include projects financing, software security, the impacts that the Cyber Resilience Act will have on Open Source projects and how Open Source Programme Office (OSPO) can help in driving forward the adoption of Open Source software.

Digital Sovereignty

Organisations and nations depend on platforms that could create compliance issues, lead to unsustainable costs or even become unavailable leaving them unable to perform even the most basic task of writing documents or sending email.

Planning for resilience, technological autonomy and data sovereignty are essential elements that allow companies and nations to prosper and innovate.


Data and applications interoperability are the essential to allow innovation to happen without creating new proprietary silos.

Open Source projects have been the main drivers and promoters of standards that enable the integration of applications and the exchange of data removing barriers introduced by proprietary document and data formats.

The Open Document Format (ODF) used as the default format in LibreOffice is one of the standards that will be discussed.


LibreOffice is not only a Free and Open Source office suite, is also an educational project that can also be used to teach how to contribute to large projects in many ways.

There are many other projects and communities specialised in the technologies that help the educational sector in provide the Open Source tools that students can use and modify to become the next generation of creators instead of consumers of technologies.

We would like to bring together local and international EdTech organisations that share our same passion for Open Source tools.

Local Supporters